Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

TCC Financial Aid 2023-24 Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy 

Financial aid recipients are expected to make satisfactory academic progress toward their program of study by:

  • Maintaining a quarterly 2.0 cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA)
  • Successfully completing all the credits for which they receive aid
  • Registering for classes that are required for their program of study

Credits and GPA are reviewed at the end of each quarter. Courses are considered successfully completed when the student earns a grade of A, B, C, D or S (as long as the quarterly GPA is a 2.0). Courses with grade of E, U, I, N or W will not be considered completed.

Qualitative Requirements:

Students must earn a quarterly cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher every quarter they receive aid.

Students must be in good academic standing with the college.

Quantitative Requirements:

Students are also expected to complete the credits for which they receive aid:

If you receive aid based on:

You must successfully complete:

You will be placed on WARNING if you only complete:

Your financial aid will be SUSPENDED if you complete less than:

Full Time (12 or more credits) 12 credits per quarter 6 - 11 credits per quarter 6 credits per quarter

Three Quarter Time (9 -11 credits)

9 credits per quarter 5 - 8 credits per quarter 5 credits per quarter
Half Time (6 - 8 credits) 6 credits per quarter 3 - 5 credits per quarter 3 credits per quarter
Less than Half Time (1 - 5 credits) All credits per quarter Not applicable All credits per quarter

Pace of Progression is another quantitative requirement. This is the ability to complete the program study within the maximum time frame (see below).



Students are eligible to receive aid. Students are then required to successfully complete the credits for which they receive aid the following quarter and achieve a 2.0 quarterly GPA. Students that don't are placed on suspension. 


Students on suspension are not eligible to receive financial aid. Students who experienced extenuating circumstances can appeal. See below. Students who do not successfully complete any credits may owe money back, per federal and state regulations.  This is based on their last day of attendance, as reported by their instructor.  The Financial Aid office will determine if money is owed and inform the student.


Students on probation have had a Financial Aid Suspension Appeal approved and are expected to successfully complete all credits with a GPA of 2.0 and satisfy any special conditions that may have been received.

Financial Aid Suspension Appeals/Reinstatement of Aid

Students who were placed on suspension can appeal if they experienced extenuating circumstances (circumstances beyond their control, such as serious illness or injury, etc.). An appeal form (available through the student portal) with appropriate documentation (as appropriate) must be submitted to the Financial Aid office. Students must provide a written explanation of the extenuating circumstance and also must identify the changes they made to ensure future success. The Financial Aid Appeals Committee will review written appeals to determine whether to grant or deny the appeal. Students are limited to two appeals. Specifically, up to 2 appeals while in an Associate Degree or financial aid eligible certificate program, and up to two appeals while in a BAS program.

Students who are on Financial Aid Suspension and did not have extenuating circumstances may be considered for reinstatement of aid if they pay for (using their own resources) and successfully complete a minimum of 5 credits that apply to their degree program. Upon completion of these credits, the student must request reinstatement of aid in writing. Students must also submit an educational plan, developed with the assistance of their academic advisor, with their reinstatement request.

Students who have exhausted the two appeal limit can request reinstatement of aid once they pay for enough credits required for their degree program (using their own resources) to meet satisfactory academic progress requirements (raise their cumulative GPA to a 2.0 and ensure pace of progression requirements are being met). Students are encouraged to speak with the Financial Aid Office for specific requirements for their individual situation.

Aid is subject to the availability of funds for each of the above

No Longer Eligible for Aid

A student is no longer eligible for aid at TCC when he or she has:

  • Failed to achieve a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 after 6 quarters at TCC
  • Received aid for the maximum number of credits allowed for the program of study
  • Been funded for two programs of study.
  • Two consecutive quarters on warning or a total of three non consecutive quarters on warning equals a suspension
  • If placed on suspension for a third time
  • Been placed on academic suspension
  • The student owes a repayment of financial aid

Maximum Time Frame

TCC will fund up to 125% of the number of credits required for a certificate or degree. For example, if a TCC degree normally requires 90 college level credits to graduate, TCC will fund up to 113 credits. A student may petition to have up to 150% of the required credits.

All credits, regardless of whether they were taken while on financial aid, or credits removed under the Academic Forgiveness policy (that count toward the program of study) are used in calculating the maximum number of credits to be funded. Transfer credits from other colleges that are accepted for use towards the TCC certificate or degree will also be counted. Any exceptions will be made on a case by case basis.

Developmental Credits

Students are allowed up to 45 remedial credits (courses numbered below 100) in addition to the maximum number of college level credits allowed for their program. At the time of annual awarding a review of remedial credits will be made. Students who have exceeded 45 credits and are not progressing towards their degree will lose eligibility for aid for further classes below the 100 level. Credit courses in English as a Second Language (ESL) are not counted as part of the 45 development credits, if taken to prepare for entry into an eligible certificate or program. ESL classes are expected to be completed in a timely manner.


A student must be working toward an eligible TCC degree or certificate to receive financial aid. Aid will end once a student has completed all requirements for the degree or certificate. TCC will fund one associate degree. A student may petition for financial aid funds for second degree. Aid for a 2nd degree will be limited and only for those specific courses required to complete the second degree. Students who have already acquired a bachelor degree may be eligible for limited funds.

Grade Point Average

Students who have attended TCC 6 or more quarters must have a 2.00 cumulative GPA, regardless of their enrollment levels and whether or not they received aid during that time. This is reviewed at the time of awarding and whenever a student is placed on Suspension.

The Satisfactory Academic Progress policy is subject to change.

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